OWC adds a new show in 2021: Dead On the Bases

Otherworldly Culture is bringing new content in 2021! A unique new podcast is coming to our network in January of 2021. Dead On The Bases is a new podcast featuring OWC veteran Tim Kretschmann and OWC newcomer Jeff Miller and they are going to make big waves soon.

Dead On the Bases

Dead On the Bases is a movie review program hosted by Tim, a horror fan, and Jeff, a sports fan. Each challenges his partner to watching his type of movie. So the vampire will watch a sports movie and the umpire will watch a horror film. They will score each movie with a unique competitive twist.

Jeff and Tim are both graduates of Muskego High School, where they met in FBLA.

Check it out on OtherworldlyCulture.com this January or listen to it on your favorite streaming service.

The theme to “Dead On The Bases” is a mix of Kevin McLeod’s “Ballgame” and “Halls of the Undead” from the YouTube Music Library.

OWC adds a new show in 2021: Dead On the Bases