Tag Archives: F/X2

Psycho II (1983)

Alfred Hitchcock, arguably, created the slasher genre in the 60’s with his sublime film Psycho based on Robert Bloch’s shocking (for the time) book of the same name. You would need to be a psycho yourself to try to make a sequel 23 years later.

Well, Richard Franklin didn’t know any better. He made Psycho II anyway.

My OCD is acting up again.

Richard who? I had to look him up, too. His only other notable film, to my mind, was F/X 2, a criminally underseen action movie of the greatest action movie decade ever. You would have to have nothing to lose to try something like this.

This looks just like the one on the Universal backlot tour.

Now, it wasn’t like he did it alone. Somehow, he was able to entice Anthony Perkins and Vera Miles from the original cast to return. Great character actor Robert Loggia and ingénue Meg Tilly round out the cast. Armed with a script from Tom Holland, who has serious horror credits like Fright Night and Child’s Play to his credit, they were ready to take on the classic. (By the way, Robert Bloch’s novel Psycho II is nothing like the film and a little meta. I often think it was the blueprint to some of the 90’s slashers that followed Scream.)

Creepiest couple ever.

Except they weren’t. At least not completely. While Franklin mimics some of Hitchcock’s most flashy shots from the original, it feels like imitation…not homage. The Jerry Goldsmith score, while perfectly serviceable, can’t replace the rip-roaring theme by Bernard Herrmann. The project, though, is well produced and the script is solid in amping up Norman from a seemingly weak goof at the beginning of the flick to the deranged mad man we all know and love as the film progresses.

The thing in his hand, children, is a wired telephone.

So, the movie doesn’t quite stack up to what is considered one of the greatest directors of all time’s top five films…but what can??? They did a good job with this film and it is a fun little fear machine. Enjoy it for what it is and try not to compare it to the original so much that you lose this movie’s merits in the process.

Grade: B+

Psycho II (1983)

Amazon Prime picks for May, 2019

As many of you know, I am a fan of Amazon Prime video selections. Each month they publish their upcoming video selection on their site, but what is worth seeing?

Here’s a list of my picks for the month:

This has to be my first pick. A story of Heaven and Hell getting together to save the Earth? Yes, please. Let’s do this. It premieres on May 31, 2019 and is easily my most anticipated show. It looks like fun and has Dr. Who David Tennant whose recent film Bad Samaritan was loads of fun.

May 16th has both Thomas Jane’s Punisher and Punisher: War Zone opening. War Zone is a guilty pleasure for me. It is hopelessly, relentlessly violent and is not even slightly redeemable by way of story. The original (-ish) Thomas Jane Punisher film has a great fist fight with an enormous Russian that is simply worth the cost of admission all on its own.

F/X (1986) and F/X 2 (1991) were criminally overlooked in the theaters, but found their audience in the VHS heyday. These action films are well worth seeking out when they hit Amazon Prime on May 31.

May 31 should have been Friday the 13th. Because Amazon Prime is releasing the original 1980 version, Part 2, Part 3 (which introduced the hockey mask), oddly skips 4 the Final Chapter which many pick as the best (it is already on free prime…but can’t tell for how long!), but includes Part 5 New Beginning to everyone’s chagrin. My favorite is released (6: Jason Lives) and 7 New Blood and 8 Manhattan. Prepare your binge now.

I don’t want to mention this mess, but Suspiria, the Amazon Original is already released. Haven’t heard much good about it and I don’t care for the original, but I should mention it.

A favorite from my childhood, Don Bluth’s The Secret of NIMH comes out on the 31st as well. Don left Disney animation when it was suffering most and is probably best known for the American Tail movies and animating the classic arcade game, Dragon’s Lair. I think the movie stands up.

Last, May 31st will release Joe Dante’s fun flick The ‘Burbs, which was made right when Tom Hanks full star power was still on the rise. Known mainly as a comic actor at the time, this flick fit him like a glove and might be one of his best films. Check it out!

Amazon Prime picks for May, 2019